Children’s Forest Pavilion

BAG member Robin Everett collaborating with Neringa Forest Architecture (Nida Art Colony) representing Lithuania at the 18th International Architecture Exhibition

La Biennale di Venezia 2023

18 May – 26 November 2023

2125 Campo Tana, Castello, Venice
(opposite the entrance to the Arsenale)


The Children’s Forest Pavilion is a collaboration with the Neringa Forest Architecture project from Nida Art Colony. It was produced for the 18th Venice International Architecture Biennale. The project brings together works and findings developed in parallel with outdoor workshops held with children in woodlands in Lithuania and Finland. It is made out of timber from trees on the Curonian Spit. Combined with film installations, worktables and play structures, the architectural elements in the pavilion support the research and learning environment of the exhibition, which shows how the children that participated learned about ancient forests, primordial swamp landscapes and long processes of geological formations.

Aud Marit Skarrebo Holmen: ORDLØS

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