BAG Art Camp 2024

Self-Directed Residency


Frauke Materlik (Germany) September 2024

BAG Art Camp has invited Frauke to Bergen Ateliergruppe as artist in residence for the month of September, coinciding with the use of the BAG prosjektrommet for B-Open studios on the 22. September.

Frauke Materlik is an artist (MA Byam Shaw at Central Saint Martins, U.K.), gardener (Herrenhäuser Gärten, Hannover, D), landscape architect (MA University of Greenwich, U.K.) and a member of PAB – Performance Art Bergen. She understands art as a tool for exploring, navigating and negotiating in complex environments, revolving around questions on how to translate and convey. In her practice, she works in dialogue with her surroundings, combining performance, installation, and horticulture. She exhibits, researches and teaches internationally – and also always keeps on gardening.

Recent projects include the performance installation ‘erde’ as part of ‘Embodied Landscape’ at Villa Renata (CH), the performance ‘mimikri’ at ‘Garden of Delight’, Gothenburg Botanical Garden (S), the research project ‘Performance and Landscape’ made possible by the grant ‘Neustart Kultur’ awarded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (D), the video and performance lecture ‘Lacuna’ at the Fourth PARSE Research Conference (S) and at Unit of Play at Goldsmiths University (UK) funded by Nordisk Kulturfond Opstart. Frauke Materlik has been awarded several residencies such as at Oak Spring Garden Foundation (US), Museum Upernavik (GL), Cité des Arts Paris (F) and Nida Art Colony (LT).

On the German Westcoast, Frauke Materlik currently establishes the cultural meeting place ‘Kunstverein Lunden’, a space for thought, artistic creation, gardening and conviviality.