BAG member Robin Everett participating in Solarpunk Arts Festival, Rjukan, Norway
01.07. – 25.08.2023
In Rjukan, Robin created work that generates visions of possible futures for the town and the ecosystem it is embedded in through using objects of the past to perceive and map the present. The work is an alternative audio tour spreading through the town accessible through QR codes linking to videos; a fictional future built from a preserved past revealing an invisible present.
The audio appearing in the videos was recorded using sensors & microphones connected to historical objects and infrastructure in Rjukan. This turned them into antennae’s able to receive and record electromagnetic frequencies flowing through the town today.
The audio and electromagnetic metadata captured via these historic objects was used as site-specific parameters by which a host of neural networks trained on the history of Rjukan and science-fiction literature will generate texts exploring possible futures that lay ahead for the town.
The characters, dates, scenarios, and statements are all results of these unique combinations and parameters.